Gum Recession Treatment for a Healthier Smile!

Gum recession is an unfavorable condition where the gum tissue slowly recedes away, revealing your teeth’s vulnerable roots. This problem can be caused by a range of potential factors such as aggressive brushing habits, smoking, and even inherited genetics. Fortunately, there are many treatments available to counteract this issue including antibiotics, antimicrobial mouth rinses, natural remedies, and finally surgery – all designed to stop it from worsening any further. Although we cannot completely reverse the effects of gum recession without skin graft surgery; with dedicated treatment plans, we can help alleviate its long-term impact on our oral health!

Receding gums | El Paso, TX \ East El Paso Dentist
Gum Recession: Causes, Treatment, & Prevention in El Paso, TX.

In the last few years, almost all dental issues have become manageable — from fluoride treatments to implants. But when it comes to gum health, prevention is still key! Unfortunately, receding gums don’t grow back and therefore any lost tissue is gone for good. To maintain healthy gums over time, regular check-ups with your dentist are essential in order to catch any signs of early deterioration before they get worse.

What are receding gums?

Your gums recede when they pull back from the surface of your teeth, exposing more of the tooth root. As a result, gaps form between your gum line and teeth, which are vulnerable to bacterial invasion. If left untreated, periodontal disease can damage these spaces and even cause bone deterioration, leading to loss of the affected tooth or teeth in extreme cases.

How do I know if I have receding gums?

Your gums don’t always alert you to the fact that they are receding, which is why gum recession can go undetected for so long. Its signs might include inflammation or tenderness of your gums, persistent bad breath, and soreness when brushing or flossing – all indicators that something isn’t right with your oral health. Don’t let these symptoms become too far gone; protect yourself from further damage by getting checked today!

What causes gums to recede?

If left neglected, receding gums can lead to grave oral health implications. To help avert such a fate, it is essential that you are aware of the underlying causes. Although some may be beyond your power to prevent, here are eight of the most common instigators responsible for shrinking gums.


For many, their gums may be genetically predisposed to receding, even with the best oral hygiene care. If gum recession runs in your family line, then you are highly likely to face this condition as well.

Overzealous brushing

For the purpose of cleaning a greasy skillet, aggressive scrubbing can be beneficial; however, this approach should never be applied to dental health. Intense brushing can actually damage tooth enamel and wear away gum tissue! To ensure that your teeth remain healthy and strong for years to come, it is important to practice gentle brushing techniques.

Mouth trauma

Not only can vigorous tooth brushing cause gum recession, but any type of trauma to the mouth may lead to shrinking gums as well. Whether you were punched in the face or slipped and took a hard fall, your teeth may become loose from their original positions, leaving you more open to receding gums. Recent studies have found a correlation between physical injury and gum breakdown.

Periodontal disease

Gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease, can cause your gums to become red and swollen. However, if left untreated, it could worsen into a more serious condition known as periodontitis, which involves not only bacterial buildup but also inflammation, infection, and damage to the gum tissue, including recession.

Poor dental hygiene

If you’re not brushing and flossing your teeth every day, bacteria can accumulate on the surface of your teeth, transforming into a sticky plaque. If left unchecked, this plaque eventually hardens to become tartar—a substance much more difficult to remove. When tartar makes its way under the gums, it causes them to separate from the tooth, creating an uneven gum line. Therefore, daily oral hygiene is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums!

How do they fix receding gums?

Depending on the cause of gum recession, medical treatments such as antibiotics and dental bonding may be able to improve mild cases of the condition; yet, in most scenarios, surgery is necessary in order to completely resolve it. Therefore, if you are experiencing symptoms of gum recession, don’t hesitate; to seek professional help right away!

Nonsurgical treatments

If you’re looking for ways to treat gum recession without surgical intervention, there are several options available; these may include:

  • Scaling and Root Planing – Your dentist will first perform scaling, which involves the removal of plaque and tartar from both above and below your gum line. This involves cleaning all the way to the bottom of each pocket for thoroughness. Afterward, they will begin root planing in order to smooth out any rough patches on your teeth so that your gums can reattach properly.
  • Topical antibiotics – If your gum recession is due to periodontal disease, then your dentist or hygienist will help you figure out how to brush more effectively. Scaling and root planing (deep dental cleaning) can be done with local anesthesia in order to eradicate the dangerous bacteria causing deep-set gingivitis under the gum line. In some cases, your periodontist may even recommend an antibiotic that is placed directly beneath your teeth as a means of treating this debilitating disorder.
  • Dental bonding – Your dentist can often employ tooth-colored composite resin to cover exposed root tissue and conceal the area of recession, making it much less visible while also providing some comfort.
  • Orthodontics – If your tooth is off-kilter, misaligned, or twisted in any way, it can result in receding gums. Braces may be the answer to set this right and place your teeth back into their proper alignment; over time, the gum margin should return to its normal state.
  • Oil Pulling – Oil pulling is a centuries-old practice that will leave your mouth feeling refreshed and free of bacteria. All you need to do is swish either sesame or high-quality coconut oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes, removing plaque and food particles as well as fighting gingivitis! Take a spoonful of the chosen oil into your mouth, then move it around as if when rinsing with water. Afterward, spit out the mixture before concluding by gargling warm saltwater—enhancing antibacterial protection—before brushing your teeth.
  • Salt Water – Saltwater is not only a straightforward homemade oral rinse but also an effective agent against bacteria that leads to receding gums. Additionally, this natural remedy offers calming properties for tender and inflamed gums as well. Making your own saltwater solution at home couldn’t be simpler—just mix one teaspoon of salt into one cup of warm water before swishing it around in your mouth for 30 seconds and spitting it out (not swallowing). By repeating this process 2–3 times daily, you’ll soon begin experiencing the benefits of naturally restoring receding gums!

Gum recession surgery

For the highest likelihood of success and long-term gum recession prevention, a periodontist (gum specialist) will typically recommend gum graft surgery. This procedure involves growing new tissue to fill in gaps left by existing receded gums, using either a piece taken from the roof of one’s mouth or sterilized donor human tissue.

After adjusting your gum graft to its ideal position, your specialist will securely stitch it into place. There is a variety of gum grafting techniques for you to choose from; consult with your surgeon so they can advise which one is most appropriate for the situation at hand. Fortunately, modern-day gum grafts are far less intrusive than in the past!

Stop your gums from receding

Time is of the essence when it comes to treating gum recession; don’t wait any longer and schedule an appointment with us at East El Paso Dentist today! The sooner we attend to your receding gums, the higher the success rate you will have in preventing them from deteriorating further.

Don’t let receding gums ruin your oral well-being. If you have already experienced a considerable recession, you may require a gum graft to restore the lost tissue and ensure the security of your gums and teeth. To arrange an appointment with our specialist now, contact our friendly staff immediately!

Schedule your next dental visit!

Receding gums can be a sign of severe gum disease, and if left untreated, it could cause some serious oral issues. If you’re concerned about receding gums or other dental concerns, contact us today at East El Paso Dentist to schedule an appointment with a professional. Our specialists are here to help you understand your condition and walk you through a proper treatment plan.

Call us at (915) 621-2880, or click the button below to schedule your appointment online.